Healthy Campus Week gave students and staff at Riseholme and Brayford the experience of walking the labyrinth.
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This opportunity to take time out is welcome. University chaplain Les Acklam offered a chunk of quiet relaxing time to focus on the path beneath your feet as it meanders into the centre of the Ermine Labyrinth and back out again. Unlike a maze, you can’t get lost in a labyrinth, you can only reach the centre and then work your way back to the beginning. Many people say this is a metaphor for life – but the true value of walking the labyrinth is it can represent whatever you want it too.
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Evaluation samples
“Actually more effective than I thought it would be, I felt confused when finding myself drifting away from the centre, but accomplished when I got there.”
“Gets annoying that you feel like you don’t get anywhere. But it’s something different to try.”
“I enjoyed the experience very much the music did help my mind felt empty and it enabled me to release a lot of negative energy. The reach to the middle simbolized achieving my goal.”
“Dizzy but more concentrated.”
“I liked the music and the green lights and also the way it was all curved lines and no straight ones made it easier to walk through it.”
“Not at all what I expected, finally a chance for some peace amongst this busy life. It gave me chance to think about plans and problems. Give it a chance and you’ll get out of it what you put in.”