Women’s Hour on 31st December included an interview with Di Williams. Click this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00wrbrl to listen to Di talking to Jenny Murray about the differences between labyrinths and mazes and some of the known history about the origins of the labyrinth.
University of Edinburgh
Di Williams

“It was a delight to be launched as the first Veriditas Master Teacher for the UK at the first ever Veriditas Facilitator Training event held in this country. It was a personal privilege to teach a wonderfully experienced and skilled group. Together, we have taken a step along the path of deepening the labyrinth work already happening in the UK. I am excited at all that is to come”.
‘UK Veriditas Master Teacher and Labyrinth Consultant, Rev Di Williams. http://www.diwilliams.com/index.html